Professor & Associate Dean
Department of Marketing
Kiran Karande
NOROFLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Houston, (1994)
M.B.A. in Marketing, University of Bombay, (1985)
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Bombay, (1983)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Talley, W. K., Alberts, T. E., Britcher, C. P., Bawab, S., Karande, K., Gopinath, M. and Creedon, J. "2008-09, Demonstrate Maglev M3 (Magnetic Leviation train) on ODU Guideway, Ridership study" $387,010. Private. 2008 - 2009
- Karande, K. and Lombard, J. R. "2006 College of Business and Public Administration Summer Fellowship Award for the research project titled, "Effects of Local Competitive Intensity on Grocery Store Operating Performance"." $7,500. Old Dominion University. - 2006
- Karande, K. and Merchant, A. "2006 College of Business Small Business Grant for expenses to cover a study titled, "Does Time Orientation Influence Consumer Innovativeness?: Going Beyond Nostalgia"" $2,000. Old Dominion University. - 2006
- Karande, K., Mann, J. E. and Sethi, K. "2005 College of Business Small Business Grant for expenses to cover a study titled “Reflections of Postmodernism in Advertising to Teenagers.”" $3,000. Old Dominion University. - 2005
- Karande, K. "2004 Old Dominion University Faculty Professional Development Grant for attending a one week course on “Brand Choice Modeling” at MIT (University-wide)" $3,000. Old Dominion University. - 2004
- Karande, K. and Airani, R. "2003 College of Business Small Business Grant for expenses to cover a study titled “An Alternative Explanation for the Geometric Structure of Perceptual Product Spaces and Measuring Perceptual Distance: A Proposed Experiment.”" $2,500. Old Dominion University. - 2003
- Karande, K. "The 2001 Old Dominion University Faculty Professional Development Grant for Course Development of the MKTG 403 Advertising Strategy Course for TELETECHNET " $5,000. Old Dominion University. - 2001
- Karande, K. "2000 College of Business Small Business Grant for expenses to cover a study titled Regionalization of Advertising: The Case of the Arab World." $2,500. Old Dominion University. - 2000
- Karande, K. "The 1998 Old Dominion University Faculty Professional Development Grant for “Incorporating Technology and International Business in the Marketing Research -- MKTG 407 Course" $3,500. Old Dominion University. - 1998
- Karande, K. "1997 College of Business Small Business Grant for expenses to cover a study titled “Acculturation and the Use of Asian Models: An Experiment”" $2,000. Old Dominion University. - 1997
- Karande, K. "1997 Old Dominion University’s Summer Research Fellowship for a study titled “Acculturation and the Use of Asian Models: An Experiment”" $6,000. Old Dominion University. - 1997
- Karande, K. "1995 Faculty Professional Development Grant for Research on "Choice Behavior of Factory Outlet Shoppers"" $512. - 1995
- Karande, K. "Institute of Comparative International Management Studies Grant," $1,000. - 1995
- Karande, K. "Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (SSHE) Minority Faculty Development Award " $1,000. State. - 1994
- Karande, K. "State System of Higher Education (SSHE) Minority Faculty Development Award" $1,000. State. - 1993
- Arndt, A., Karande, K., Harrison, K. and Khoshghadam, L. (2021). Goal-Relevant versus Incidental Similarity when Choosing between Multiple Service Providers. Journal of Business Research 126 (March) , pp. 556-564.
- Khantimirov, D., Karande, K. and Ford, J. B. (2020). Dissatisfaction after Service Failures as a Realized Transaction Risk: Customer Opportunism as a Function of External and Internal Rewards. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 52 (January).
- Karande, K. and Gopinath, M. (2019). Protecting Brands from Product Failure Using Extended Warranties. Journal of Product & Brand Management 28 (7).
- Khantimirov, D. and Karande, K. (2018). Complaint as a Persuasion Attempt: Front Line Employees’ Perceptions of Complaint Legitimacy . Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 43 (July) , pp. 68-76.
- Tao, K., Karande, K. and Arndt, A. (2016). How Angry Customer Complaints Influence Salesperson Commitment to Service Quality. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 24 (3) , pp. 265-282.
- Arndt, A., Karande, K. and Glassman, M. (2016). How Context Interferes With Similarity-attraction Between Customers and Service Providers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 31 (July) , pp. 294-303.
- Magnini, V. P., Baker, M. and Karande, K. (2013). The frontline provider’s appearance: A driver of guest perceptions. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 54 (4) , pp. 396–405.
- Magnini, V. P.., Karande, K., Singal, M. and Kim, D. (2013). The effect of brand popularity statements on consumers’ purchase intentions: The role of instrumental attitudes toward the act. International Journal of Hospitality Management 34 , pp. 160 - 168.
- Arndt, A., Karande, K. and Harkins, J. (2012). Does the Performance of Other Functions in the Frontline Influence Salesperson Conflict. International Journal of Retailing and Distribution Management 40 (9) , pp. 717-736.
- Arndt, A. and Karande, K. (2012). Is it better for salespeople to have the highest customer orientation or a strong fit with their group’s customer orientation? Findings from automobile dealerships. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 19 (3) , pp. 353–359.
- Karande, K. and Merchant, A. (2012). The impact of time and planning orientation on an individual’s recreational shopper identity and shopping behavior. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 20 (1) , pp. 59–72.
- Karande, K., Merchant, A. and Sivakumar, K. (2012). Time Orientation and Consumer Innovativeness: Going beyond Nostalgia. Academy of Marketing Science Review 2 (2-4) , pp. 108-125.
- Karande, K., Merchant, A. and Sivakumar, K. (2011). Erratum to: Relationships among time orientation, consumer innovativeness, and innovative behavior: the moderating role of product characteristics. AMS review 1 (2) , pp. 99–116.
- Karande, K. and Magnini, V. P.. (2011). The Relative Use of Contextual and Temporal Reference Price Components in Hotel and Airline Purchases. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 35 (1) , pp. 119-141.
- Arndt, A., Karande, K. and Landry, T. D. (2011). An examination of frontline cross-functional integration during retail transactions. Journal of Retailing 87 (2) , pp. 225–241.
- Karande, K. and Magnini , V. (2011). Understanding Consumer Services Buyers Based upon Their Purchase Channel. Journal of Business Research 64 (6) , pp. 543-550.
- Tantong, P., Karande, K., Nair, A. and Singhapakdi, A. (2010). Market Orientation and Export Performance in Thailand: A Moderating Effect of International Marketing Strategy. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 18 (2) , pp. 155-170.
- Karande, K. and Magnini , V. (2010). An Experimental Investigation into the Use of Written Smell References in Ecotourism Advertisements. International Journal of Hospitality Management 34 (3) , pp. 279-293.
- Karande, K. and Magnini , V. (2009). The Influences of Transaction History and Thank You Statements in Service Recovery. International Journal of Hospitality Management 28 (4) , pp. 540-546.
- Li, S., Karande, K. and Zhou, D. (2009). The Effect of the Governance Environment on Marketing Channel Behaviors: The Diamond Industries in the U.S., China, and Hong Kong. Journal of Business Ethics 88 (3) , pp. 453–471.
- Karande, K., Bok Ha , J. and Singhapakdi, A. (2008). Importer-Exporter Relationship Commitment: The Moderating Role of Contextual Variables. Industrial Marketing Management 37 , pp. 856-862.
- Gopinath, M. and Karande, K. (2008). Product Failure and Warranty Purchase: Their Effects on Target-Specific Emotions and Attitude toward the Brand. ACR North American Advances 35 , pp. 1007-1008.
- Karande, K., Case, F. Mark . and Mady , T. (2008). The Effect of a Candidate’s Inconsistency on Voter Response to an Ad: A Model. International Journal of Advertising 27 (1) , pp. 37-65.
- Karande, K., Ha, J. and Singhapakdi, A. (2008). The role of contextual factors in relationship commitment of buyers to foreign suppliers: A survey of Korean importers. Industrial Marketing Management 37 (7) , pp. 856 - 862.
- Karande, K., Mark Case, F. and Mady, T. (2008). When does a candidate’s inconsistency matter to the voter? An experimental investigation. International Journal of Advertising 27 (1) , pp. 37–65.
- Karande, K., Magnini, V. P.. and Tam, L. (2007). Recovery Voice and Satisfaction After Service Failure. Journal of Service Research 10 (2) , pp. 187-203.
- Karande, K., Almurshidee, K. A.. and Al-Olayan, F. (2006). Advertising standardisation in culturally similar markets. International Journal of Advertising 25 (4) , pp. 489-511.
- Karande, K. and Lombard, J. R. (2005). Location strategies of broad-line retailers: an empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research 58 (5) , pp. 687 - 695.
- Karande, K. (2005). Minority response to ethnically similar models in advertisements: an application of accommodation theory. Journal of Business Research 58 (11) , pp. 1573 - 1580.
- Singhapakdi, A., Karande, K. and Ha, J. (2004). Importers’ Relationship with Exporters: Does Culture Matter?. International Marketing Review 21 (4) , pp. 447-461.
- Mottner, S., Thelen, S. and Karande, K. (2002). A Typology of Internet Retailing: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Marketing Channels 10 (1) , pp. 3-23.
- Karande, K., Rao, C. and Singhapakdi, A. (2002). Moral philosophies of marketing managers: A comparison of American, Australian, and Malaysian cultures. European Journal of Marketing 36 (7/8) , pp. 768-791.
- Honeycutt, E. D.., Karande, K. and Jantan, M. (2002). Sales Training in Malaysia: High vs. Low Tech Methods. Industrial Marketing Management 31 (7) , pp. 581 - 587.
- Honeycutt, Jr., E. D.., Karande, K., Attia, A. and Maurer, S. D. (2001). A Utility Based Framework for Evaluating the Financial Impact of Sales Force Training Programs. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 21 (3) , pp. 229-238.
- Singhapakdi, A., Karande, K., Rao, C. and Vitell, S. (2001). How Important are Ethics and Social Responsibility? A Multinational Study of Marketing Professionals. European Journal of Marketing 35 (1/2) , pp. 133-152.
- Honeycutt, E. D.., Glassman, M., Zugelder, M. T. and Karande, K. (2001). Determinants of Ethical Behavior: A Study of Autosalespeople. Journal of Business Ethics 32 (1) , pp. 69–79.
- Al-Olayan, F. S.. and Karande, K. (2000). A Content Analysis of Magazine Advertisements from the United States and the Arab World. Journal of Advertising 29 (3) , pp. 69-82.
- Karande, K., Shankarmahesh, M. N., Rao, C. and Rashid, Z. Md. (2000). Perceived moral intensity, ethical perception, and ethical intention of American and Malaysian managers: a comparative study. International Business Review 9 (1) , pp. 37 - 59.
- Kumar, V. and Karande, K. (2000). The Effect of Retail Store Environment on Retailer Performance. Journal of Business Research 49 (2) , pp. 167 - 181.
- Karande, K. and Ganesh, J. (2000). Who Shops at Factory Outlets and Why?: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 8 (4) , pp. 29-42.
- Karande, K., Shankarmahesh, M. N.. and Rao, C. P.. (1999). Marketing to Public- and Private-Sector Companies in Emerging Countries: A Study of Indian Purchasing Managers. Journal of International Marketing 7 (3) , pp. 64-83.
- Kumar, V., Karande, K. and Reinartz, W. J. (1998). The impact of internal and external reference prices on brand choice: The moderating role of contextual variables. Journal of Retailing 74 (3) , pp. 401 - 426.
- Ford, J. B., Karande, K. and Seifert, B. (1998). The role of economic freedom in explaining penetration of consumer durables. Journal of World Business 33 (1) , pp. 69 - 86.
- Karande, K. and Kumar, V. (1995). The effect of brand characteristics and retailer policies on response to retail price promotions: Implications for retailers. Journal of Retailing 71 (3) , pp. 249 - 278.
- Zinkhan, G. M.. and Karande, K. (1991). Cultural and Gender Differences in Risk-Taking Behavior among American and Spanish Decision Makers. The Journal of Social Psychology 131 (5) , pp. 741-742.
- Karande, K. (2011). V. Kumar’s contributions to Retailing research. Legends in Marketing Series.
Conference Proceeding
- Cu, T., Liu-Thompkins, Y., Karande, K. and Markowski, E. P. (2011). Sense of Community: A Missing Link to Understand Users’ Performance in Firm-hosted Online Communities. AMCIS.
- Karande, K. and Merchant, A. (2007). Does Time Orientation Influence Consumer Innovativeness?: Going Beyond Nostalgia 2007 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference.
- Karande, K., Jantan, A. M. and Honeycutt, E. D. (2001). Initial Sales Training Practices in Malaysia: Comparisons of Global and Domestic Firms 2001 World Marketing Congress in Cardiff, Wales.
- VanScoyoc, K., Honeycutt, E. D.., Karande, K. and Mann, J. E. (2000). Why Do Consumers Continue To Shop On The Internet? Proceedings of the 2000 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 40–45) Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Karande, K., Rao, C. and Singhapakdi, A. (1999). Moral philosophies of marketing managers: A cross-cultural study American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings (pp. 218).
- Karande, K. (1998). Do Asian-Americans respond to Asian models in print advertisements? American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings (pp. 7).
- Karande, K. (1998). Macro Issues in Marketing: A Discussion Proceedings of the 1998 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 85–87).
- Karande, K., Zinkhan, G. M. and Lum, A. Baird. (1997). Brand personality and self concept: A replication and extension American Marketing Association, Summer Conference (pp. 165–171) Chicago, IL: Proceedings of the 1997 American Marketing Associations Summer Educators.
- Karande, K. (1997). The Effect of Regularity of Purchasing and Coupon Face Value on Preference for Joint Coupons: A Perceived Risk Approach Proceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 341–347) Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Karande, K. and Grbavac, A. (1996). Acculturation and the Use of Asian Models in Print Advertisements: A Conceptual Framework Chicago, IL: Proceedings of the 1996 American Marketing Associations Summer Educators' Conference .
- Karande, K. (1995). A Model for Predicting Brand Choice from Price Expectations, Point of Purchase Price Comparisons, and Store Environment Proceedings of the 1995 World Marketing Congress (pp. 205–214).
- Kumar, V. and Karande, K. (1995). Does Coupon Usage Vary With Market Characteristics 1995 AMA Winter Educator’s Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications (pp. 79) La Jolla, CA: Proceedings of the 1995 American Marketing Association's Winter Educators' Conference.
- Harrison, K., Ford, J. B., Karande, K. and Merchant, A. ( 2019). Need for and Development of a Consumer Acculturation Tool – Index Development and Scale Refinement Paper Summer Educators' Conference Chicago.
- Karande, K., Dang, A., Butenko Moseley, O. and Xu, H. ( 2017). Let's Pin It Down: The Role of Displayed Donations in Corporate Philanthropy Paper Winter Educators Conference .
- Khantimarov, D. and Karande, K. ( 2014). Taking Advantage of Service Failures: Opportunistic Complaining Paper Winter Educators Conference .
- Zou, Y. and Karande, K. ( 2012). The Effect of Blog Interactivity and Perceived Trust on Visitor Response: The Moderating Role of Blogger Expertise and Consumer Involvement Paper Summer Educators Conference .
- Ekebas, C. and Karande, K. ( 2012). Using Self- versus Other-Benefit Message Frames in Ads for Green Products: The Moderating Role of Perceived Consumer Effectiveness and Consumer Guilt Paper Summer Educators Conference .
- Karande, K. ( 2007). Understanding Consumer Services Buyers Based upon Their Purchase Channel Retail Marketing Symposium San Antonio, TX.
- Gopinath, M. and Karande, K. (October 23, 2007). Product Failure and Warranty Purchase: Their Effects on Target-Specific Emotions and Attitude toward the Brand Association for Consumer Research Conference Memphis, Tennessee.
- Karande, K. and Magnini , V. ( 2004). Determinants of the Use of Contextual and Temporal Cues in Service Settings 2004 Academy of Marketing Science Conference Vancouver, Canada.
- Karande, K., Ha, J. B. and Singhapakdi, A. ( 2002). Determinants of Importers’ Relationship Commitment: Characteristics of the Exporter .
- Karande, K. and Lombard, J. R. ( 2002). Location and Competition: Strategic Alternatives for Broad-Line Retailers Retail Symposium on Retailing Strategy and Consumer Decision-Making St. Petersburg, FL.
- Karande, K., Mottner, S. and Thelen, S. ( 2001). A Typology of Internet Retailers: An Exploratory Study 2001 Winter Educators’ Conference Scottsdale, AZ.
- Karande, K., Honeycutt, E. D. and Jantan, A. ( 2001). Initial Sales Training Practices in Malaysia: Comparisons of Global and Domestic Firms 2001 World Marketing Congress Cardiff, Wales.
- Karande, K. and Olayan, F. A. ( 1999). A Content Analysis of Magazine Advertisements from the United States and the Arab World 1999 AMA Winter Educators Conference St. Petersburg, FL.
- Karande, K., Rao, C. P. and Singhapakdi, A. ( 1999). Moral Philosophies of Marketing Managers: A Cross-Cultural Study Summer Educators Conference San Francisco, CA.
- Karande, K. ( 1998). Macro Issues in Marketing, 1998 Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science Norfolk, VA .
- Karande, K. ( 1998). Acculturation and the Use of Asian Models in Print Advertisements: An Experiment 1998 Summer Educators' Conference Boston, MA.
- Karande, K. and Ganesh, J. ( 1998). Who Shops at Factory Outlets and Why?: An Exploratory Study, 1998 Winter Educators' Conference Austin, TX.
- Rao, C. P., Karande, K. and Shankarmahesh , M. ( 1997). Industrial Supplier Choice Criteria in Public and Private Sector Organizations in Developing Countries 1997 Academy of International Business Conference Monterrey, Mexico.
- Ford, J. B., Karande, K. and Seifert, B. ( 1997). The Role of Economic Freedom in Explaining Global Product Consumption 1997 Academy of International Business Conference Monterrey, Mexico.
- Karande, K., Rao, C. P., Singhapakdi, A. and Ahmad, M. Ismail. ( 1997). Do Business Ethics Concepts Apply Cross-Culturally: A Study of American and Malaysian Managers 1997 Conference Monterrey, Mexico.
- Karande, K., Shankarmahesh, M. N., Rao, C. P. and Ahmad, M. Ismail. ( 1997). A Comparative Study of the Perceived Moral Intensity, Ethical Perception, and Ethical Intention of American and Malaysian Managers 1997 Southern Marketing Association's National Conference Atlanta, GA.
- Karande, K., Zinkhan, G. and Baird, A. ( 1997). Brand Personality and Self-Image: A Replication and Extension 1997 Summer Educators Conference Chicago, IL.
- Singhapakdi, A., Karande, K., Rao, C. P. and Vitell, S. ( 1997). The Perceived Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility: A Multinational Study of Marketing Professionals 1997 Summer Educators Conference Chicago, IL.
- Karande, K. and Grbavac, A. ( 1996). Acculturation and the Use of Asian Models in Print Advertisements: A Conceptual Framework 1996 Summer Educators' Conference San Diego, CA.
- Kumar, V. and Karande, K. ( 1995). Does Coupon Usage Vary With Market Characteristics? 1995 Winter Educators' Conference La Jolla, CA.
- Karande, K. and Kumar, V. ( 1993). Brand and Retailer Induced Patterns of Elasticity Structure: Implications for Retailers 1993 Marketing Science Conference St. Louis, MO.
- Kumar, V. and Karande, K. ( 1991). A Model for Predicting the Probability of Coupon Usage 1991 Marketing Science Conference Wilmington, DE.
- 2015: Best Reviewer International Journal of Advertising,
- 2014: Doctoral Mentoring Award, Old Dominion University Strome College of Business
- 2011: Outstanding Full-time Tenure Track Faculty Teaching Award, ODU College of Business and Public Administration
- 2005: Faculty Advising Award., Old Dominion University College of Business and Public Administration
- 2005: Top 200 Most Downloaded Articles , Emerald Literati Network
- 2003: Faculty Service Award, Old Dominion University College of Business and Public Administration
- 2002: Faculty Research Award, Old Dominion University College of Business and Public Administration
- 1998: Citation of Excellence , ANBAR, an European association that ascribes quality ratings to journal articles
- 1996: Best Paper Award , American Marketing Association
- 1993: Melcher Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Houston
- 1991: Heyne Fellowship for Academic Excellence, University of Houston